Suddenly, everyone's buzzing about it: sustainable websites. A few years back, it was calculated that the IT industry was behind 3.7% of global emissions. Bet those numbers have shot up since, and they're only gonna keep climbing!

September 18, 2023


What developers and clients should look out for

Start with a clean and straightforward design. Fewer bells and whistles usually mean less energy consumption. Opt for a layout that utilizes space efficiently and avoids excessive use of graphics and animations.

Keep Your Code Simple
Write neat and efficient code without unnecessary complications. Avoid excessive code snippets that delay load times. Optimize your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to use minimal server resources.

Use Caching!
With the right caching settings, unchanged pages aren't unnecessarily loaded but remembered by the browser.

Use Optimized Files and Images
Compress your images before uploading. Many online tools easily do this with minimal quality loss. Use modern image formats like WebP, more efficient than JPEG or PNG. Not just compression, size matters too. While 1900 pixels wide might be ideal, if they only display as 800 on your site, resize them.

Keep Your Videos Concise
Videos can be real energy consumers. Opt for high-quality videos but limit their length and resolution. Offer alternatives, like textual explanations or images. Avoid autoplay to prevent unnecessary playing. It's also considerate for those sneaking a quick browse at work ;-)

Use a CDN
Employing a Content Delivery Network ensures files are delivered faster from a nearby server. This is vital for international sites.

Choose an Efficient CMS (like Umbraco!)
Select a Content Management System renowned for efficient code, security, and low resource requirements. Regularly update for security and performance enhancement.

CMS Setup
Organize your website! A well-structured site makes navigation easier for visitors and search engines, resulting in less energy consumed searching for information.

Remove Unnecessary Files
Even unused files on your website consume energy to store. Don't treat your CMS like a backup hard drive!

Choose Green Hosting
Opt for a hosting provider that uses green energy or environmentally friendly practices.

Color Usage
Website colors influence your visitors' screen energy consumption. Choose dark backgrounds with light text to save energy or at least offer a 'dark mode' choice.

Choose a Sustainable Agency for Web Development
A sustainable web agency doesn't just waste resources to retain or attract staff. Look for green vehicles, hybrid work and meeting options, reasonable office sizes, no excessive trips, and sustainable meals.

In summary, these are informal tips to green your website. Sustainability isn't just planet-friendly; it also improves user experience through faster load times and efficient navigation. Good luck with your sustainable website building!


What about my software provider?

Fewer minor & major Releases: Keep it simple!
Consistent software updates can place a hefty load on servers and spike energy consumption. By cutting back on frequent releases, we reduce the number of sites that need an overhaul. This means fewer tweaks, less re-development, and savings in both time and cash. Everyone wins!

Streamline your tool kit: No excess baggage. 
Developers, here's a shout-out to you! Be picky about the packages and libraries you add to your projects. A leaner codebase isn’t just about efficiency; it means relying less on external resources. So, trim the fat, and your site will run smoother.

Fewer on-site events: embrace the digital. 
Let's face it: many suppliers still host massive events to bond with customers, and it's undoing all our green efforts. Time for a new approach! Fewer physical gatherings slash travel needs, which in turn reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Let's give the Earth a break!

Supporting older versions: oldies but goodies. 
Stretching out the lifespan of mature hardware and cutting back on system upgrades is the game plan. Suppliers, pledge longer support for older software versions. This ensures users can stick with trusted older versions without fretting over outdated security patches. Peace of mind, guaranteed.

Hope these tips help you in creating a greener digital footprint! 🌍👣