We are currently looking for a junior .Net developer in KTM area Nepal.

(no Umbraco experience required)

We are looking for highly motivated junior, ready to start a career in .Net development with a focus on Umbraco. During 2 years you will train yourself - and be trained- to be an Umbraco Certified developer. We dont ask for any diploma's or degrees. If you have basic .Net development skills and proper communication skills in english, that is enough.

At the start you will be 100% engaged in training, and gradually you will start to participates on projects. From day 1 we will 'embed' you in the Umbraco community, and you will spend a fixed part of your time working on helping out on the Umbraco HQ core team. Best way to learn. Your technical guidance will be done by our team in Nepal, general guidance by our team in The Netherlands. If your motivation & progress is like we expect, you can be sure we will reward you with a proper salary and amenities.

Ánd a very appealing career path for coming years. If you want to be hardcore coder, there is a path. If you have ambition to evolve into a team lead, there is also a path,

We offer

What we offer you

  • A very nice job, with a lot of freedom and partially remote working
  • Handsome starting pay, tbd.
  • A 50% increase of salary after one year of proven skills
  • Official Umbraco certification after one year
  • Health Insurance
  • 30 days of personal leave
  • Possibility to work from home
  • (overtime on voluntary base if you want)

What we ask:

  • Hands-on mentality
  • Lots of time investment in Umbraco knowledge
  • An open mind, helping us to improve
  • Dedication to grow and develop our Umbraco business

What we do

  • Everything to keep you happy and productive
  • Keep our promises
  • Value your opinion and input
  • Treat you like an equal
  • Love Umbraco!

Work must be fun.

We believe the best products come from happy people. Work will be fun, and the pay will offer you immens stability. We are a compact growing team and you, as senior Umbraco developer, will be the heart of the company. We do not expect you to be a lead to the team (yet) but a real code-crack. 

We are in it together

With us you can have a real career in online businesses, communication,  Umbraco and .Net development. We will make sure to help

you get the required skills. When you have been with us for few years, you will be able

to move in all directions. Also for a great career abroad.

Making friends

The first month or so, you will get acquinted with Umbraco. Not just the 'software' Umbraco, but the entire community and Eco-system. From day 1 you will start contributing tot the open source core of Umbraco. The best way to meet the people and make friends with the code they make. We will train you with hands-on small items, UmbracoTV and so on.

Work..., grow!

After getting settled you will dive, and dive deep, into Umbraco development. You will build, learn and enjoy all facets of this great open source CMS. Your input will help us build better solutions and open new oppurtunities.

Be #friendly be free

You have found your place and build valuable contributions for our customers and the Umbraco community. You are financially stable, in a job you love with people that respect you. You share the love. You are Friendly# 

We are seeking junior developers who are eager to learn and grow. For more information on opportunities, including how we support young developers from less fortunate backgrounds with paid work and training, check out this article: Explore Opportunities.