Popup Package

Welcome to the Popup package, an innovative tool designed to help you effortlessly create and manage captivating popups within your backoffice. 

Exciting updates are on the horizon, including more templates! Stay tuned for our premium version launching on 01-02-2024. Elevate your website with engaging popups today!

Popup Marketing Package

Creating popups has never been easier with our selection of customizable templates. Choose from a variety of pre-designed templates tailored specifically for your popups. Whether you're promoting a sale, sharing important updates, or engaging users with a special offer, our templates provide a starting point to help you create eye-catching and effective popups. Simply select a template that suits your needs, and you'll be on your way to creating engaging popups in no time!


Choose from a range of dynamic features designed to enhance user engagement and streamline your popup strategy

1. Easy Popup Creation

Effortlessly create visually stunning popups with our intuitive interface and pre-designed templates. Customize every aspect of your popups to match your brand's style and messaging, ensuring they resonate with your audience and drive action.

2. Flexible Settings

Take control of your popup's behavior and appearance with flexible settings. From defining when and where popups appear to setting specific timeframes for visibility, you have the tools to optimize your popup strategy and maximize engagement. Choose from various popup positions to ensure your messages are seen where they matter most.

3. Popup Position

Position your popups precisely where you want them on your website. Whether it's the top-left corner, bottom-right corner, or anywhere in between, our Popup Package allows you to choose the perfect position to maximize visibility and engagement. 

Managing Popups

Easily view, edit, and delete your popups to keep your website engaging and organized. Plus, customize where your popups appear on your site with precision, ensuring they reach the right audience at the right time.

My Popups

Keep track of all the popups you've made with the Popup Package. See a list of them all, and make changes whenever you need to. You can update the content, change images, or adjust settings to keep your popups fresh. And if you've got popups that are old or no longer useful, you can delete them from your collection, keeping things tidy and organized.

Show on Pages

Choose exactly where you want your popups to appear on your website with the "Show on Pages" feature. This handy option allows you to select specific pages where your popups will be displayed. Whether it's your homepage, contact page, or about page, you can add your popups to any content page with ease. Simply select the desired pages from the list, and your popups will only show up where you want them to, giving you complete control over your website's user experience

Status Indicators

Know the status of your popups at a glance with easy-to-understand signals. A green dot means your popup is active and ready to go, a red dot means it's inactive and an orange dot means it has expired. With these visual cues, you can quickly see which popups are live on your site and which ones need attention

Get all the info you need about the Popup Package in one handy manual. It's your go-to guide for using this tool effectively. Whether you're just starting out or need some expert tips, this manual has got you covered

Popup Package Manual